Osintracker V2.7 — Connectors
Dynamic calling of external services is one of the features most eagerly awaited by users.
Today, we’ve added the first connector! It’s the OSINT Industries connector, as part of our partnership with them!
How does it work?
Select an email or phone number on the graph.
Navigate to the resource panel, then select the osint industries resource.
Choose between calling their API directly or loading the JSON report you’ve previously downloaded from their website.
If you choose to call the API, don’t forget to enter the API key in the application settings.
Whichever you choose, the result on the graph will be the same!
Minor improvements
Url field
It turned out that it was often useful to note a url on an entity.
Until now, users would save this information in the comments tab.
Not very practical, and time-consuming to access...
This is now a thing of the past, with the addition of a url field in the main tab of each entity.
If the url is filled in, simply click on the button to open it in a new tab!
Incoming & outgoing relationship tabs
What could be more frustrating, when the graph starts to consist of hundreds of entities, than trying to find your way around?
How do you easily find the parent entities of an entity?
How do you select an entity’s direct children, for example, to move them or apply the same color to them? What about all the child entities?
It’s easy now, just open the outgoing relationships tab and press the button you’re interested in.
And that’s it!
Investigation obfuscation
For those who wish to share an investigation without revealing the data, the addition of the obfuscation feature will be useful.
It preserves the structure of the graph, but destroys all readable data.
Be sure to save your investigation beforehand!