Osintracker V2.3

4 min readSep 27, 2023


A new update for Osintracker, which once again adds new features and improvements.

Also, import vocabulary update : data added by the user can be entities (email, person, username…) or relationships between these entities.
This will clarify denominations, and also bring us closer to what is done in other applications (Maltego, Analyst notebook…).

New features

Import / export

It is now possible to import entities and relationships into an existing investigation. Similarly, entities and relationships from an investigation can be exported.
Two file formats have been chosen for their popularity : .csv and .json.

This can be particularly useful if you are working with other software, or if you wish to create .csv files of data yourself and then import them in Osintracker.

Investigation menu
Import popup

For the documentation, please visit the wiki.

Data persistence

As you know, one of Osintracker’s main principles is not to use a remote server to store your data.
This is a huge advantage in terms of the confidentiality of your investigation, but it also means that you need to make frequent backups of your data.
Osintracker has everything you need to do this, from backing up a specific investigation to backing up the entire database. But to prevent your database from being erased by your browser or by an unfortunate user action (browser cache deleted), the application will require Osintracker storage to be persistent.
Warning: this does not mean that it is 100% guaranteed that your data will never be deleted (this is a best effort), so you should continue to make manual backups.

Backup reminder

To help users remember to back up the database regularly, reminders are displayed prompting them to back up if this has not been done within the last 24 hours.

Home reminder
Navigation bar notifications


The quest for productivity is at the heart of Osintracker development. That’s why, with each new version, some existing parts of the application are reviewed and improved.
This work of continuous improvement takes time (test by practice), but is necessary to deliver an intuitive product, while improving the speed of use which is essential during an investigation (or a CTF!).

Below are a few examples, some of which are direct requests from users.

Entity creation popup

Something that users have been eagerly awaiting, and which will greatly improve speed of use : the double drop-down menu for selecting an entity type has been replaced by a single drop-down menu with autocompletion.

In addition, the list of type shortcuts is now based on the last 10 types used by the user.

Entity creation popup

Entity panel

The entity details panel has been redesigned to optimize space.
There are now 3 tabs.
Infos: basic information and options.
Resources: resources that can be used to investigate this type of entity. They can now be filtered via a text search, or by status (used or not for this entity).
Comments: the comment field has been enlarged to allow much more information to be entered. Note that if a comment is filled in, a green dot is displayed.

Also, if the user has updated the entity, then a visual alert in the form of a red button is displayed to remind him to save.

Entity details panel

Relationship panel

Same principle as for the entity panel, with the addition of tabs.

Relationship details panel

File download

Whenever a file export feature is used, the application will prompt you to give the file a custom name.


Osintracker is pleased to announce its partnership with Oscar Zulu Osint Crew for the launch of their first #ctf (Capture The Flag): DISPARUE(S)!

Warning: we’re not talking about a gaming-oriented CTF here, but an #osint investigation that’s as close to reality as possible, and for an adult and informed public.
An immersive experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end… if you make it that far.

Register NOW for the opening on November 04, 10am : https://ctf.osintisnotacrime.com/

Prepare yourself for long hours of suspense, anxiety and adrenalin… and use #osintracker to avoid getting lost in the maze of your investigation!

Osintracker links

website | webapp | wiki | Linkedin | Twitter




Written by Osintracker

Free application to optimize OSINT investigations. osintracker.com

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